We Read it Like This is a blog I started in 2011, including "reviews and readings of our favourite children's books, including bits we love, add to, skip or change".

The original idea was to keep a record of what and how we read out loud to and with our son. I provide reviews and recordings of our read-alouds of our favourite picture books. In recent years, other projects have taken over and I have less and less time to write here, but I do occasionally write a passionate review if we happen to get very excited about a particular book. 

I'm a bit of a Maurice Sendak freak, so there is rather a lot about him (sometimes I even use the blog to write about him in general, without reviewing any book in particular).  

We Read it Like This has a sister blog in Spanish, Lo leemos así, which is a little more active, perhaps, because I live in Spain and have more Spanish-speaking than English-speaking readers. 


I started the blog Story Philosophy back in 2012. It includes mainly picture-book based philosophical discussions. Some of them written by myself, and others by Thomas Wartenberg's team at Mount Holyoke College. Story Philosophy also has a Spanish sister blog, Filosofía de cuento. The Spanish version also includes transcripts of philosophical dialogue sessions held with children aged 6 to 12, using picture books as a stimulus.